One hundred episodes! It is crazy to me that this dumb, dumb podcast that we started on a whim has kept us, and more importantly, you all, entertained for over 2 years and 100 episodes (plus 2 minisodes with us drunkenly yelling about John Wick). We’ve had some missteps and missed episodes due to technical issues (thanks Audacity!) or general laziness, but we made it. I feel like we have learned and grown a lot over these 100 shows and I hope that we can keep doing it for 100 or a 1,000 more.
This blog is unfortunately not updated quite as often, but I have made a resolution to myself (a New Hundred Resolution?) to do it at least once a month going forward. I’m even going to call it a TILP guarantee. And you can always (sometimes) count on that!
One more thing — if you have listened to each and every one of the 100 episodes, please email us at and let us know. We will send you a very special TILP Century Club Membership Card as well as a very special gift, hand-selected by us, to thank you for your support. We will know if you are lying, btw, so don’t even try it (we will absolutely not have any idea.)
As always, I would like to end this post with an image that perfectly captures the spirit of this episode, so here is Star Wars kid, a person truly ahead of his time.